Are you our next corporate co-creation partner?
We are shaping our next impact ventures
Ideate on solutions for climate challenges
Venture building with KRING allows you to quickly explore new strategic areas of growth while benefitting from our ability to innovate and execute new successful ventures at a high pace.
High Impact low touch
It requires a minimum of resources from our corporate partners to engage but allows them to discover and exploit high impact opportunities
New growth opportunities
Venture building with KRING allows you to quickly explore new strategic areas of growth, new customer experiences, or market positions
We have skin in the game
We have funds to co-invest early in the venture creation, which aligns us on the same goals and incentives as you
Accelerate new ideas fast
Our average time from validation to MVP is 3 months, and we use our extensive network and talented co-founders to accelerate growth
With a focus on SDG3 & SDG7
Industrially, we have identified three areas of opportunities containing a range of problem spaces that are a perfect match for our agenda since these industries are facing massive change and converging; Finance, Health and Green.

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Finding the sweet spot within Health & Well-being between problem spaces and enablers
SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy
Because we’re the first generation to feel the consequences of climate change and the last with a chance to do something about it
SDG3: Good Health and Well-Being
SDG7: Affordable and clean energy
Our methodology
Execution is everything in our world. That is why we have developed a capability we call Speedbooting® – which in a “think big, start small, scale fast” process co-creates human-centric solution ideas for the market quickly and efficiently. In addition, Speedbooting® is designed so that you can easily build the capability in your own business if it is your need.

We have worked with and co-created companies with leading corporates
Our open and trust-based culture of cooperation has led us to building extensive networks which enables us to provide value and build successful impact ventures. Our unfair advantage.

Read more about KRING in the media

Kunderne kan gennem Nordea købe varmepumper eller få skrevet testamenter: “Det er et forsøg på at gøre kunderne glade”
Article on Nordea’s Co-Creation ventures with KRING helped their customers

Her er ti danske virksomheder, som det seneste par uger har ændret i forretningsmodellen for at overleve krisen.
How KRING, amongst others, innovated their business to adapt for corona

Testaviva, der er et online-værktøj til juridiske dokumenter, gør klar til nordisk ekspansion. En af hovedejerne, Arbejdernes Landsbank, ser stort potentiale i teknologien.
Article on E-Boks partnering up with our co-created Speedboat, TestaViva

Derfor kan erfarne iværksættere være nøglen til at nå FN’s verdensmål
KRING on how entrepreneurs could be the key for the UN’s sustainable development goals

Kunderne kan gennem Nordea købe varmepumper eller få skrevet testamenter: “Det er et forsøg på at gøre kunderne glade”
Article on Nordea’s Co-Creation ventures with KRING helped their customers

Her er ti danske virksomheder, som det seneste par uger har ændret i forretningsmodellen for at overleve krisen.
How KRING, amongst others, innovated their business to adapt for corona

Testaviva, der er et online-værktøj til juridiske dokumenter, gør klar til nordisk ekspansion. En af hovedejerne, Arbejdernes Landsbank, ser stort potentiale i teknologien.
Article on E-Boks partnering up with our co-created Speedboat, TestaViva

Derfor kan erfarne iværksættere være nøglen til at nå FN’s verdensmål
KRING on how entrepreneurs could be the key for the UN’s sustainable development goals
Or from our Corporate Co-Creation partners
Many of our companies are built from scratch together with large corporates in our Co-Creation proccesses. See what our Corporate Partners say about Co-Creating with KRING.

Lars Ellehave-Andersen
Bank Direktør, Nordea
“Vi har haft et godt og tæt samarbejde med KRING i mange år. Vi sidder i bestyrelsen med KRING og har løbende dialog omkring udvikling af nye forretningsplatforme. KRING er gode til at se nye muligheder og deres værdisæt som ansvarlighed, samt deres stærke fokus på det enkelte mennesker og bæredygtighedsagendaen matcher også os som bank. Jeg kan til en hver tid anbefale KRING som en forretningspartner, og vi i AL-Bank ser frem til et fortsat udbytterigt og fremtidigt samarbejde”

Simon Sinding Jørgensen
Bank Direktør, AL Bank
“Jeg har samarbejdet tæt med KRING og selv oplevet effekten af KRING´s Co-creation model i forbindelse med skabelsen af en ny kundecenteret forretningsmodel og platformsvirksomhed som PKA Pension og Ørsted fik etableret i partnerskab med KRING. Det kan anbefales”

Morten Buchgreitz
Head of Global Offshore Commercial, Vestas
Co-create the future with us
We co-create new sustainable ventures together with bold entrepreneurs and leading corporates who are dedicated to build a positive future together
© 2023 KRING A/S. All Rights Reserved
Contact us
Via the form or write an email to our Venture Building Partner, Jakob Kistorp, at [email protected]