Offshore IT and software development

The story behind Initto

Initto was founded by the KRING Technologies in 2003 and specialized in developing software solutions in close collaboration with both big and small companies in Nordic, European and US through a sourcing-model.  Initto had offices in Slagelse, Copnehagen, Oslo, Kiev and Delhi and had 270 employees 230 of them was offshore. To initto it is important to take care of the offshore employee culture and establish a kindergarden for their employees in Delhi, India. 

Saxo Bank becomes partner in 2009 and a year later Saxo Bank acquires Initto as it is a key strategic part of the banks growth strategy and ambition for IT setup.



KRING Company


IT and software development


Meet the Founders

Martin Kring

Martin Kring


Jesper Kring

Jesper Kring


Initto in the media

Efter en større reorganisering af alle processer fra kunderne til offshore udviklingskontorerne i Indien og Ukraine skifter Kring Technologies nu navn til ’Initto’.

KRING Technologies changing name to Initto.

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Saxo Bank kø­ber so­lid ak­tiepost i IT-sel­skab

Article about Saxo Bank buying 40 pct. of Initto

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Det danske software-hus Kring Technologies etablerer i 2007 en softwareudviklings-afdeling i Tianjin i Kina. Kring indtager dermed føringen som den hurtigst voksende og mest globaliserede danske softwareudvikler.

Article on KRING Technologies establishing their off-shore setup in China

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