Digitalising and improving the journey for legal documents
Despite the high demand and urgency for creating and updating legal documents as life changes, people frequently procrastinate that process due to its complexity and price. Often they discover missing legal documents when they are most needed.
Testaviva has build a digital platform for creating, storing and updating legal documents, for users and their family members. Moreover, it proactively guides users to update their documentation as life changes.
Business model
TestaViva is an online platform created, tested and approved by lawyers where one can create legal documents 24/7. It helps secure the users and their family through life. The platform ensures that users of TestaViva are notified when it is time to update legal documents. Since 2017, TestaViva has gained over 60,000 users.
The platform has three revenue streams: selling directly to the consumers (B2C), offering a B2B white label solution and selling B2B to B2C.
The story behind TestaViva?
TestaViva started as a corporate venture building project together with Arbejdersnes Landsbank, and later Nordea and TopDanmark joined as partners. KRING’s Speedbooting 2016 fund invested in the early stages and KRING still participates in the board of directors.
Meet the team
Direction and Co-founders
Kenneth Krabbe
Michael Lauritzen
Peter Mægbæk
Chairman of the Board
Carsten Elmose
Board member
Simon Sinding Jørgensen
Board member
Bjørn Wegener
Board member
Martin Kring
Board Member
TestaViva in the media
Kunderne kan gennem Nordea købe varmepumper eller få skrevet testamenter: “Det er et forsøg på at gøre kunderne glade”
Article on how Nordea’s Co-Creation venture helped their customers
Testaviva, der er et online-værktøj til juridiske dokumenter, gør klar til nordisk ekspansion. En af hovedejerne, Arbejdernes Landsbank, ser stort potentiale i teknologien.
Article on E-Boks partnering up with our co-created Speedboat, TestaViva