Accelerate green transition through simple and easy sustainability and ESG reporting


SMEs are getting under extreme pressure from corporates, governments and financial institutions to meet the new sustainability and climate requirements because green data, supply and value chains are becoming important for compliance and competitiveness. Today, it is a very confusing, expensive and resource-intensive to adapt and report on the company’s status and initiatives.


Valified is a platform that makes it easy for companies and their key stakeholders to collect data, measure, report, and improve their green and sustainable transformation throughout the value chain

Business model

Digital Platform with 2-sided business model with unique exponential potential.
Partners (main focus: banks and investment funds) pay a subscription fee to get access to Valified, that gives them insights, benchmarks and other data to become compliant with legislation and credit requirements and to secure a strong dialog and development of their customer base and portfolio.
SME’s subscribe to different plans and services (or their bank payes the plan) an can easily onboard their supply chain on the platform. Modules with subscriptions for Umbrellos and Corporates are also available.

The story behind Valified
Valified started as a co-creation project where KRING, Ørsted, the Danish green investment fund and PKA came together to work on opportunities around green investments and sustainability reporting. The KRING Speedbooting 2016 fund invested in the early stages and Jesper Kring joined as co-founder and CEO. Today there are numerous ambitious founder and collaborators behind Valified, including DTU and IBIG.

How did KRING make a difference?

– Pivoted Valified after first unsuccessful journey

– Helped build important corporate partnerships through extensive network

– Distribution & Co creation partnerships

– Formed Impact Advisory Board with Peter Damgaard as Chair (former CEO in PKA) See testimonial

Valified intro for banks
Download the Valified material for the financial sector on how the banks and their customers can benefit from Valifieds sustainability platform


KRING Speedbooting 2016




Meet the team


Jesper Kring

Jesper Kring


Jacob Lauemøller

Jacob Lauemøller


Charsten Christensen

Charsten Christensen



Betina Nygaard

Betina Nygaard

Chairman of the Board

Impact Board

Peter Damgaard Jensen

Peter Damgaard Jensen

Chairman of the impact board

Ar­bej­der­nes Lands­bank op­ru­ster for at sik­re bæ­re­dyg­tig om­stil­ling: Fri­kø­ber rap­por­te­rings­værk­tøj til alle virk­som­heds­kun­der

Article in Børsen today on how Arbejdernes Landsbank is using our portfolio company, Valified, to support a sustainable transition for all their small- and medium sized businesses

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Arbejdernes Landsbank køber værktøj til klimarapportering

Business customers in Arbejdernes Landsbank will be provided with some of the first corporate customers in the Danish banks with a free climate reporting tool.

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Nykredit får topkarakter for esg-indsats: “Vi har orden i eget hus”

Article in Børsen on how Nykredit (Valified partner) is supporting small and medium sized companies in their ESG work. Nykredit is offering FREE access to Valified ESG platform for all of their business customers.

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Grøn strøm og kvindelige ledere baner vej for nye kunder

Article in Finans on Miralix A/S using Valified for their ESG reporting.

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Position Green og Valified lancerer banebrydende ESG-Løsning til brancheforeninger

Article in on how to Position Green and Valified have partnered up to strengthen the entire value chain in companies sustainability work.

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